Despite volatile cocoa prices, fragile consumer confidence and retail price pressure, positive first-half results posted by Swiss chocolate maker Lindt & Sprüngli point to a high level of resilience at the premium end of the confectionery category.
Swiss premium chocolate maker Lindt & Sprungli has performed
well in the competitive North American market - helping to push
consolidated full year sales for the company 15.1 per cent to
CHF2.586 billion (€1.6bn).
A cool spring and late Easter has contributed to booming business
at Swiss chocolate maker Lindt, who announced it has more than
doubled its profits in the first half.
Swiss chocolate maker Lindt & Sprüngli has revealed strong results that
put organic growth in double figures and gave it its first ever
year with no first-half operating loss. The company said the
results had been particularly...
Premium chocolate maker Lindt & Sprüngli has reported a rise in
sales for 2002 despite tough trading conditions in most of its key
markets - a performance it attributed to a consistent strategy of
expansion and innovation.