Beer gets technical

Czech brewer Plzensky Prazdroj recently undertook an extensive
survey into the art of beer drawing. The experts concluded that the
process has an unquestionable influence on the resulting taste and
quality of the product.

The survey found that a mixture of technical gases proved to be the best means of drawing. They do not cause beer oxidation and have no impact on its taste. The research has shown that the use of a mixture of carbon dioxide and nitrogen in a ratio of 1:1 brings the best results.

In contrast, the use of air compressors was judged to be the least suitable approach.

"The survey has confirmed what we expected based on our own experience,"​ said Josef Krysl, manager of Plzensky Prazdroj's technical service.

"The use of air compressors is not ideal for beer. When using this drawing technology, which is still common, the pub keeper does not have a complete control over what comes into beer with the air."

The results underline the current belief that it is not enough just to produce good beer - it must reach consumers in the highest level of quality. As a result, many breweries such as Plzensky Prazdroj devote great attention to how pubs take care of their products.

The brewer's technical service is devoted to this area of work. Its duties include regular checks of stored beer, washing of glasses using special detergents, and the sanitation of the tapping equipment. Breweries also focus on training pub keepers in the correct beer tapping techniques.

"Given the competition amongst pubs and the tradition of beer drinking in our country, consumers are not only interested in the price but also in the quality of draught beer,"​ said Krysl. "From this point of view we recommend that pubs drawing beer from kegs use technical gases.

"It is not because the European Union prohibits or could prohibit the use of air compressors in the future. We ourselves believe that this technology is out of date, not suitable, and potentially dangerous for the quality of draught beer."

Plzensky Prazdroj is a leading brewer operating in the Czech market. With exports to 50 countries of the world, it is also the largest exporter of Czech beer. The main brands of Plzensky Prazdroj in the Czech Republic are Pilsner Urquell, Gambrinus, Radegast and Velkopopovicky Kozel.

Plzensky Prazdroj​ is part of the world's second largest international beer group, SABMiller​. Pilsner Urquell is the flagship brand of the group.

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