‘M&M's colored’ honey prompts Mars action

Mars ‘M&M colored’ bee honey fiasco
Mars France is working with beekeepers to determine whether blue and green honey produced by bees in Northeastern France is caused by its nearby M&M's processing plant.

Beekeepers in Ribeauville in the Alsace region have reported unnatural hues of blue and green honey produced by their flying insects and think residues from M&M's containers at a nearby biogas plant are to blame.

Pascale Perez, corporate affairs director of Mars France, told ConfectioneryNews.com: “At this point, we do not have a clear understanding of the origin and the scale of this phenomenon, or its potential impact on bees and their honey.”

“We are, of course, concerned about any impact to the environment.”

“But, it is crucial that a root cause analysis takes place and, if necessary, proper steps taken to address the issue.”

Mars is working together with AGRIVALOR and the Beekeepers’ Association to analyze the situation. 

Related topics Regulation & safety Mars

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