ProSweets/ISM 2020
Brazil’s commanding presence at ISM2020 pays off with boost to confectionery exports
"These results signal another year of expansion of Brazilian exports of confectionery and confirm the importance of ISM for our sector", said Ubiracy Fonsêca, president of ABICAB.
The Brazilian delegation this year comprised 20 confectionery and biscuits companies (one of the largest at ISM), including Bauducco, Berbau, Cacau Show, Cory, Divine, Dori, Embaré, Francfort, Garoto, Hershey's do Brasil, Jazam, Marilan, M. Dias Branco, Montevérgine, Neugebauer, Peccin, Simas, Santa Edwiges, Soberana and Toffano.
Fonsêca said that, during the fair, Brazilian companies made more than 800 contacts with international buyers, of which about 500 were new.
Cory, which already exports to 57 countries, also increased its global profile. “The result was more than expected,” said Arthur Fernando Jorge, the company's export manager, who returned to exhibit at ISM after four years away.
“We had meetings that are expected to evolve in countries such as Hungary, Ukraine and Georgia, as well as Finland, Israel and South American nations such as Colombia and Chile. We expect a 10% growth in export earnings in the next 12 months.”
Market niches
Cacau Show, manufacturer of handmade chocolates with more than 2,200 points of sale in Brazil, participated for the first time at ISM and left with “a better perception of the needs and possible market niches for export,” according to Márcio Barboza, manager of expansion in new businesses at Cacau Show.
Hershey's Brasil said it obtained over 50 new contacts. "The outlook is good," said Beatriz Sanchez, the company's export analyst. “We practically closed deals with three new customers in Hungary, Belarus and the Czech Republic.”
Until the fair, the company had been exporting only to countries in South America.