ProSweets Cologne 2022
ProSweets Cologne 2022 to focus on 3R principle – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - for confectionery industry
Running parallel to ISM, organisers Koelnmesse said the industry is extremely interested in switching over to eco-friendly materials such as paper or recyclable mono films and related packing processes.
Recycling-friendly design will become of key importance in the advertising and communications segment once the EU's ‘Green Deal’ comes into force, said Koelnmesse.
A survey carried out earlier this year on behalf of the German Packaging Institute (dvi) revealed consumers consider packaging to be more sustainable than ever, with 44% of respondents claiming that packaging had progressed considerably in terms of its environmental-friendliness.
Paper and cardboard gaining in popularity
The 3R principle – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – is firmly anchored in strategies of European manufactures with paper or carboard already widely used instead of plastic.
Kim Cheng, Executive Director of dvi, said that along with the environmental progress being made, the core function of the packaging has not been neglected.
"Packaging is becoming more sustainable while at the same time fulfilling its purpose more efficiently. It is hygienic, protects the goods from damage and perishing, make them last longer, transportable and safe to use."
Exhibitors at ProSweets Cologne 2022 will feature machines from case packers, to pick-and-place lines, through to tubular bag machines.
"What was still inconceivable for the most suppliers a few years ago, has developed much further in the meantime because more and more fibre-based packing alternatives with barrier functions are replacing plastics," said Peter Désilets, Executive Director of Pacoon GmbH.
As a partner of Koelnmesse, the Munich agency for packaging design and sustainability is presenting solutions for sweets and snacks in the scope of a special exhibition in Hall 10.1.
The Sustainable Packing Institute SPI for the Life Science Industry of the Albstadt-Sigmaringen University - will also be part of the Packaging Special Event next year’s trade fair. It focuses primarily on biogenic resources, functional materials, smart packaging, bio-economy and sustainability.
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