
‘Fairmade’ enters cocoa lexicon with entry in the Fine Chocolate Glossary

By Anthony Myers

- Last updated on GMT

Fine Chocolate Industry Association has announced it has added a new term to its recently launched Glossary that combines the concepts of Fairtrade and Made at Origin.

‘Fairmade’ is a new term coined by Brett Beach, co-Founder of MIA (Made in Africa) chocolate sustainability brand. He is seeking industry recognition for the concept and its inclusion into the Fine Chocolate Industry Association’s glossary will add weight to his campaign.

The full entry, including a list of references, underlying the term Fairmade ​can be found within the Fine Chocolate Glossary​. At the end of the entry, viewers will find a Feedback Form where anyone can comment on the utility of the term.

The Glossary encourages comments within an initial two-week period (although the Feedback Form is always there for every entry).

“After that, we will work collaboratively with Brett to incorporate the feedback from the FCIA community with the input he continues to gather from origin and update the entry within the Glossary,”​ the Association said.

“As a free, open source glossary, we want to gather explanations of existing terms used in the chocolate industry. No term remains fixed or unchangeable. Rather, the Glossary serves as a ‘living document’.”

The Glossary seeks to encourage dialogue and respectful debate among diverse voices. Such collective experiences reflect and represent the diversity of the cocoa and chocolate industries, the Association said in a statement.

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