Private label nutrition equal to national brands

Private label nutrition equal to national brands

By Niamh Michail

There are no major differences in nutritional content between private labels, national brands and hard discount goods – although private labels come out top for nutrition labelling, according to a French government study.

Volunteers required for exercise test. Reward: 3D-printed chocolate


Volunteers required for exercise test. Reward: 3D-printed chocolate

By RJ Whitehead

Melbourne researcher Rohit Ashok Khot has found the sweetest way in the world to get people to exercise: he rewards others with chocolate treats made on a 3D food printer. The more they exercise, the smoother the chocolate they get to eat. 

Daily Express: One of many media outlets that leapt aboard the train of misinformation

Mock choc study highlights peer review pitfalls


It’s no secret the peer review system that is supposed to subject academic research to rigorous scrutiny before publication is not perfect, but a [mock] German professor has revealed just how much of a joke it often is.

Sounds could be used to enhance our experience of foods, Spence argues

Sound: The forgotten flavour sense?


Flavour perception is strongly influenced by the sounds heard when foods are bitten and chewed, claims a review published in Flavour.

Scientists sequence the vanilla genome


Scientists sequence the vanilla genome

By RJ Whitehead

Chinese scientists have completed the genome sequencing of Vanilla shenzhenica, giving way to hopes that a synthetic version of the world’s second most expensive spice.

Not everybody looking for a caffeine boost is looking for extreme sports and sugar, says maker of new caffeine strips

Big Tobacco eyes caffeine growth with oral strips

By Annie Harrison-Dunn

The launch of oral caffeine strip Reon sees cigarette-making giant Imperial Tobacco diversifying its market attentions and targeting on-the-go urban professionals.

Theo Innovations debuts flavanol-rich cocoa extract

Theo Innovations debuts flavanol-rich cocoa extract

By Hank Schultz

Seattle-based Theo Chocolate has launched the first functional ingredient from its subsidiary Theo Innovations.  Called Violetamine, the product is an extract of cocoa high in polyphenols and theobromine.