Smooth as silk

Silky smooth, high-fruit chews can now be produced in a new,
no-cook process following a recent development from British Sugar.

Silky smooth, high-fruit chews can now be produced in a new, no-cook process following a recent development from British Sugar, the company claims this week.

A research team at British Sugar's Food Centre in Peterborough, UK, has developed a non-cook approach using the company's Silk Sugar product. According to the technologists, a warmed Z-arm kneader was used to blend the ingredients together, instead of the high temperature cooking normally employed, allowing the chews to act as an effective vehicle for active and functional ingredients which might otherwise be destroyed.

The researchers report that the key to success is to minimise the water addition at the start of the process by using dry glucose. Silk Sugar allows water to be replaced with fruit juice to produce high fruit chews.

British Sugar​ product applications manager, Suzanne Harrison commented: "The development of this non-cook process allows access to the chew market without the traditional investment in high temperature cooking.

The process is ideally suited to the blending of active ingredients and the fine particle size of Silk Sugar ensures a smooth eat and excellent mouthfeel."

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