Editorial webinars

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Decarbonising Supply Chains at the Source

Decarbonising Supply Chains at the Source


Food majors are under increasing pressure to stamp out irresponsible practices from ingredient supply chains. But voluntary measures have only got the sector so far, and policymakers are stepping in. While Europe races to comply with incoming regulations,...

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Eco-friendly Production from Farm to Fork

Eco-friendly Production from Farm to Fork


Ensuring sustainable nutrition from farm to fork requires significant change. In a bid to champion resource efficiency, the agricultural sector is rethinking farming practices for the 21st century. And it’s not just agtech promising to deliver; food waste...

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Is there a crisis in cocoa supply chains?

Is there a crisis in cocoa supply chains?


With the new European Union Deforestation Regulation on the horizon, should the industry adopt a more responsible approach to procurement when sourcing cocoa beans and other ingredients? Our latest webinar follows the highly successful and informative...


Sweetest Innovations

Sweetest Innovations


In this webinar ConfectioneryNews will profile some of the key innovations in the sector that are being driven primarily by consumer trends. As R&D budgets are increased, we have seen ground-breaking innovations in the gummy market and in vegan chocolate,...


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