Rexam cans first dairy product

Related tags Rexam Milk

Traditionally, aluminium cans have been unable to hold milk
products due to the risk factors associated with the decorative
inks and varnishes that are tattooed onto the container. In the
past these varnishes and inks have been unable to withstand the
heat of sterilisation and as a result would have put consumers at

Beverage can maker Rexam, however, claims that by working closely with suppliers to develop special inks and varnishes it has been able to produce aluminium containers that can withstand temperatures of up to 122 degrees Centigrade.

Rexam Beverage Can's plant in Germany has already implemented the use of the canned technology in the packing of Cocio Ice coffee, a chilled coffee drink that contains milk.

"Packaging variety in the increasingly popular coffee market, as well as traditional segments like the chocolate milk market, enables customers to revitalise these markets by reaching new consumers with a new package, as well as reaching their traditional regular users through new sales channels,"​ said Rexam's Nordic sales manager, Federik Hellner.

Aluminium packing uses an air-tight vacuum which allows products to have a longer shelf life. The company believes that this allows products to have a greater impact visually, therefore increasing the product's marketability.

Rexam employs embossed designs, coloured inks and tactile printing techniques in the decorating of its beverage can range.The coffee-coloured can displays bold graphics along with the product's slogan, without having to compromise on design or decorative techniques. The company believes that this allows the product to convey a strong brand identity.

The drink has been successfully released in Denmark and the company believes the packaging could have a large impact on the market in the future.

Rexam is a leading beverage can producer in Europe and deals in packaging in metal, glass and plastic. It said that the breakthrough in aluminium packing could have massive future implications within the industry.