
Tech is helping transform bakery and snack businesses. Pic: GettyImages

What advances is AI making in bakery and snacks?

By Natasha Spencer-Jolliffe

Hint: The evolution of artificial intelligence (AI) is less to do with glossy marketing campaigns and packaging visuals and more about uncovering the mystery of algorithms and getting a better handle on supply chain data.

No more logistical nightmares with AI, if used properly, confectionery leaders were informed at a recent conference. Pic: GettyImages

Artificial Intelligence - special report

How AI can improve product quality and consumer experience in confectionery

By Anthony Myers

Two of the standout sessions at the NCA’s recent State of the Industry Conference covered ‘The transformative power of AI for business and personal use,' where experts unlocked the secrets of artificial intelligence to help brands stay ahead of the...

How visual AI can improve operations in retail convenience

National Association for Convenience Stores

How visual AI can improve operations in retail convenience

By Deniz Ataman

Visual artificial intelligence's role in retail offers a potential solution to streamlining operations in real time, according to Doug New, chief information officer, Nouria Energy and Dr. Bruce Porter, chief science officer, Spark Cognition, who...

Many big players in the food industry have found regenerative AI helps them in NPD. Image Source: Hiroshi Watanabe/Getty Images

Mars, PepsiCo, Kraft Heinz, and Givaudan on how AI can improve NPD

By Augustus Bambridge-Sutton

NPD takes time. Long hours of R&D lie between an idea and a product launch. AI, however, is helping a range of major companies generate product ideas, as well as do market research and gain insights into the minds of consumers.


ChatGPT: Should we be scared?

By Nikki Hancocks

ChatGPT has many of us intrigued and nervous in equal measure but James Collier, co-founder of Huel, asks if this tool is any more scary than the current situation with “nonsense nutrition content” touted across social media by pseudoscientists.