
Today's shopper has an entire world of information at their fingertips to find out the history and benefits of the ingredients used within a product in an instant. Pic: GettyImages

The rise of the digital snacker

By Gill Hyslop

Technological advancements have opened seemingly infinite possibilities for innovation within the snack and bakery industry. We’re in a new era of food manufacturing with the ability to create a more connected experience for consumers and more efficient...

Pic: GettyImages


New survey finds almonds fill the needs of chocolate consumers

By Anthony Myers

The Almond Board of California visited the ISM Sweets & Snacks trade fair in Cologne at the weekend to promote its new report that claimed almonds are the #1 most-preferred ingredient for inclusion in global consumers’ ideal chocolate products.

ofi is shooting to achieve Bee Friendly certification across 100% of its almond orchards. Pic: GettyImages/maexico

ofi sets new benchmark for the almond industry

By Gill Hyslop

The nut arm of global ingredients specialist has announced its first sustainability targets for its 50,000 acres of almond orchards and farming operations in Australia, the US and Vietnam.

Almonds are nutritious, gluten-free and vegan, making them an ideal addition for free from treats. Pic: GettyImagesmarekuliasz

Ontrend almonds tick the free from box in every way

By Gill Hyslop

Consumers – especially the younger set – are seeking out healthier food options that contain fewer ingredients and less involved processing, but still deliver on taste and texture. Blue Diamond Growers is stepping up to the mark with a series of products...

Blue Diamond has an extensive product portfolio of almond offerings, from sliced and diced almonds, to almond flour and protein powder, to almond butter. Pic: Blue Diamond

Almonds are fast becoming a leading ‘clean’ ingredient

By Gill Hyslop

Impressive nutritional attributes continue to position almonds as a popular value-added inclusion in the clean label category, with it becoming the most used tree nut in global new product introductions in 2018, according to Innova Market Insights.