Mars and Snickers bars in the UK will have at least a 15 per cent reduction in saturated fats from summer 2010 following a reformulation breakthrough, claims Mars UK.
A new range of filling and cream fats have a similar texture compared to traditional hard fats but with very low saturated fatty acids levels to appeal to the confectionery segment keen on improving its health profile, claims Fuji Oils Europe.
The UK Food Standards Agency has set out core challenges for the food industry as part of its strategy to beat obesity, but recognises that work is already underway by industry to make food products healthier.
Many UK biscuit and cake products have reached their salt-reduction
limit, thanks to bakers' efforts to cut salt components, according
to Barbara Gallani, manager of the Food and Drink Federation's
Biscuit, Cake, Chocolate...
The UK government has set in motion a review of food policy and
strategies with the publication of an analytical study on current
and emerging food trends.
Only two out of over 100 'standard' food products in a recent
survey of retailers' own brand foods met with salt slashing targets
set by the UK's food watchdog, suggesting ongoing research into
reducing the content...
Confectionery is one of many segments of the food industry plagued
by the risk of product 'contamination' with peanuts - a serious
problem for people with an allergy to the nut.