Swiss chocolate processor Barry Callebaut has won an article 13.5 health claim from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) for a dossier linking cocoa flavanols and blood circulation.
Consuming polyphenol-rich dark chocolate or cocoa products may reduce total and LD cholesterol levels, but has no effect on HDL levels, according to a meta-analysis of 10 clinical trials.
The potential heart health benefits of polyphenol-rich cocoa powder may be related to a ‘novel mechanism’ of boosting HDL (good) cholesterol, says a new study from Japan.
A component of the common food additive lecithin my help the liver process fat and glucose, opening up lecithin to a potential role in the growing health ingredients category.
Scientists from Spain have reported that they have identified how
grape juice polyphenols help reduce bad cholesterol levels, science
that could extend understanding of a product that is enjoying
increasing consumer awareness.
A stanol-enriched cheese could help lower cholesterol levels by
over five per cent, says a new study by Raisio and Valio, as the
Finish companies look to put science behind the growing range of
stanol products.
The solid waste from carrot juice production is rich in insoluble
fiber, could reduce cholesterol levels, and should be exploited as
a functional ingredient, say Taiwanese researchers.
Raisio will launch its Benecol functional ingredient in Russia - a
challenging market where obesity and cardiovascular disease levels
are high, but awareness of the dangers of high cholesterol is low.
Dairy dominates the cholesterol-lowering foods category in Europe,
but in the US dietary supplements are almost as popular, indicates
data from Mintel.
A newly developed citric acid ester of mono- and di-glycerides
promises to replace lecithin in chocolate applications where the
main functionality is to lower the viscosity and yield value.
Research into walnuts, a key ingredient used in a range of biscuit
and confectionery products will help lift stagnant sales for food
makers in the sector giving them an opportunity to cash in on the
growing functional food market,...