Food Additive

EU food producers have six months to phase out the use of titanium dioxide. Pic: GettyImages/UltimaSperanza

The countdown to phase out E171 in EU foods has begun

By Gill Hyslop

Titanium dioxide (E171) - a popular additive that confers a bright white shade to frosting and cake decorations - has been banned as a food additive in the EU, with a six-month phasing out period coming into force this month (January 2022) after which...

Baked goods are a top source of curcumin for European children

EFSA reassesses European curcumin exposure levels


The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has reassessed exposure to curcumin and found consumption is lower than previously thought – although some children consume close to the acceptable daily intake (ADI).

No health risks from Sunset Yellow at current usage levels, says EFSA

EFSA declares Sunset Yellow safe and ups ADI

By Oliver Nieburg

Current industry uses of food additive Sunset Yellow FCF (E 110) are not a safety concern, according to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), which has upped the acceptable daily intake for the color.

Spirulina faces legal questions

Spirulina faces legal questions

By Elaine Watson

Spirulina, the blue colour from algae used in Nestlé’s Smarties, is one of 10 substances used to colour food that faces an uncertain future as its legal status is scrutinised.

DSM present Twinsweet

DSM present Twinsweet

DSM Food Specialties will be presenting a number of products this
November at FiE when it launches new ingredients claimed to enhance
the bakery, dairy, vegan and confectionery industries.