Sugar Substitute

Pic: Ciranda

Sugar reduction special

Ciranda develops three new syrups sourced from agave and tapioca

By Anthony Myers

The provider of certified organic, non‐GMO, and Fairtrade food ingredients has launched three new syrups to help CPG brands and product developers create new products that meet consumer demand for less sugar in their diets.

Xylitol is a polyol sweetener commonly used in chewing gum. © iStock / Elmik

Polyols offer potential to plug the sugar gap - but problems remain

By David Burrows

The focus on sugar intensified yesterday with news of a tax on soft drinks in the UK. But assuming a shift to low or no-sugar foods and drinks will lead to a boost in low-calorie speciality sweeteners is probably wide of the mark, unless they are natural.

Chewing gum linked to girl's death

By Niamh Michail

Chewing gum may have been responsible for the death of a 19-year old girl – but there is little evidence to suggest artificial sweeteners were at fault, a UK inquest found yesterday.

“It’s very difficult to get an intense sweetener from a natural source; while the need exists. That explains the success of stevia leaf extract,” says Cargill sugar confectionery specialist

Special Edition - Beyond sugar: Hitting the sweet spot

Hard and sweet: The elusive candy promise

By Annie-Rose Harrison-Dunn

Between laxative effects, clean labeling and GM, ConfectioneryNews takes a walk through the different sweetener options for hard, soft and jelly candies and the associated pros and cons for each.  

Sweeteners for sugar-free gum

Special Edition - Beyond sugar: Hitting the sweet spot

Chewing over sweeteners for sugar-free gum

By Oliver Nieburg

Stevia leaf extract and unblended xylitol offer the strongest potential for sweetening chewing gum, according to experts.