
Fairtrade schemes are needed to avert serious global shortages of the

Mars urges action on cocoa to beat shortage

By Rick Pendrous

Urgent action was necessary to avoid the “bleak situation” of a serious global shortage of cocoa supplies within a decade, Fiona Dawson, president of Mars Chocolate UK, warned yesterday (June 12).

Source Flickr - cstrom

Blommer predicts looming cocoa supply crisis

By Oliver Nieburg

Demand for cocoa is expected to climb 30% in the next 10 years creating a 25% shortage of current supply, according to North American cocoa processor and chocolate ingredients supplier Blommer Chocolate Company.

Challenges and benefits of implementing a sustainable supply chain

Special Edition: Sustainable Supply Chain

Challenges and benefits of implementing a sustainable supply chain

By Rory Harrington

The incorporation of sustainability throughout the supply chain involves constant innovation, commitment from company leadership and a realization that it is an indefinite process, said Datamonitor.