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Corporate social responsibility

Hershey makes progress in cocoa and packaging sustainability

By Douglas Yu

Hershey increased the percentage of its sustainable cocoa beans to 75% and reduced its packaging waste by 18.5 million pounds, or 74%, in 2017, according the company’s latest corporate social responsibility report.

Sunny Verghese, co-founder/CEO of Olam International.

Olam International CEO to chair WBCSD

By Jenny Eagle

Sunny Verghese, co-founder/CEO of Olam International, a leading supplier of cocoa beans, has become chair of The World Business Commission for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) this week, replacing Paul Polman, CEO, Unilever.

RSPO aims to empower smallholders as part of RT15

RSPO focuses on smallholders in support of sustainable palm oil

By Katy Askew

The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil and United Nations Environment Project have joined forces to help promote sustainable practices among smallholders producing palm oil as the environmental group sharpens its focus on smallholder farmers.