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Smooth as silk

Smooth as silk

Silky smooth, high-fruit chews can now be produced in a new,
no-cook process following a recent development from British Sugar.

Improving wine quality

Improving wine quality

Foss, the Danish based quality assurance equipment provider, has
announced the relaunch of its Winescan sampling and testing system
with an improved quality assurance module.

Apple agreement

Apple agreement

NZ company Enza Foods will produce apple ingredient for soft drinks
and smoothies under licence from fruit juice company Beckers

Latin America hits IFF results

Latin America hits IFF results

US flavours and fragrance giant International Flavors &
Fragrances saw fourth quarter 2002 sales rise 5 per cent to $424.3
million (€391m) from $405.6 million for the same period in 2001,
despite weak economic conditions in Latin...