Regulation & safety

MP worried by lack of clarity on Cadbury jobs

MP worried by lack of clarity on Cadbury jobs

By Ben Bouckley

A member of the House of Commons select committee that questioned Kraft executives on the Cadbury takeover this morning has told that he is concerned by the company's failure to commit to safeguarding UK jobs beyond 2012.

Clement-Jones: Value for money

Peer probes FSA aspartame study as costs double

By Elaine Watson

Liberal Democrat peer Lord Clement-Jones has called on the Department of Health to explain how spending £322,000 of taxpayers' money on a study addressing consumer concerns over aspartame represents value for money at a time when budgets are so stretched.

Local food doesn’t mean safe food

Local food doesn’t mean safe food

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

All food, if not properly handled, has the potential to cause foodborne illness – so why does local food get special legislative treatment?

Polyol suppliers are smiling about positive EFSA sugar-free gum opinions

Roquette chews on positive EFSA gum opinions

By Shane Starling

French supplier Roquette is hailing the potential of polyols to boost dental health, following recent article 14 positive opinions for sugar-free gum from the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).

For front-of-pack labels, smart choices take time

For front-of-pack labels, smart choices take time

By Caroline Scott-Thomas

Uh-oh, surely not another industry-sponsored front-of-pack nutrition label! Food industry engagement is welcome, but let’s take it slowly – no one benefits until we figure out a system that works.

Bisphenol A on the brink?

Bisphenol A on the brink?

By Rory Harrington

To BPA or not to BPA? While the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) backed the continued use of bisphenol A last week, the real question is whether the verdict was a full-blown reprieve for the controversial chemical or merely a stay of execution.

Flexible packaging factory up in flames

Flexible packaging factory up in flames

There was a serious fire yesterday at Amcor Flexibles Europe & America’s (AFEA) plant in Livingston, Scotland causing significant damage to the main facility as well as the secondary buildings.