
Spit out: Gum declines continue in the US


Spit out: Gum declines continue in the US

By Oliver Nieburg

Chewing gum sales in the US have continued to fall in the first half of 2017, according to data from IRI, but Hershey is bucking the trend.

'As Alexa grows in popularity, voice-activated purchases of snack foods and other consumables have the potential for major growth,' says One Click Retail

I need chocolate, Alexa... sweets, snacks, and the Amazon effect

By Elaine Watson

Candy and snacks sales on Amazon are growing at 42% year-on-year,* according to new report from ecommerce data firm One Click Retail, which says category sales have already hit $215m in the first eight months of 2017, compared with $240m for the whole...


Ivory Coast and Ghana agree to create Sustainable Cocoa Initiative

By Jenny Eagle

The leaders of the Ivory Coast and Ghana have agreed to set up a joint industry body called The Ghana-Cote d'Ivoire Sustainable Cocoa Initiative to get better pay for farmers, combat cross-border smuggling and encourage further collaboration between...