
Today's shopper has an entire world of information at their fingertips to find out the history and benefits of the ingredients used within a product in an instant. Pic: GettyImages

The rise of the digital snacker

By Gill Hyslop

Technological advancements have opened seemingly infinite possibilities for innovation within the snack and bakery industry. We’re in a new era of food manufacturing with the ability to create a more connected experience for consumers and more efficient...

How 3D printing is revolutionising health and nutrition innovation

How 3D printing is revolutionising health and nutrition innovation

By Nikki Hancocks

A successful serial entrepreneur who runs a 3D-printed personalised supplements firm will join NutraIngredients' Sports and Active Nutrition Summit in October to discuss the huge opportunity that this new tech brings to the health and nutrition industry.

Pic: Getty Images/Bloomberg


100% Traceable: Olam’s tech links producers and farmers through data

By Kristine Sherred

The cocoa and spice supplier unveiled sustainability goals in 2017 with a 2020 goal of nurturing a ‘fully traceable’ cocoa supply chain. We discussed progress with Olam's North American innovation lead, when we caught up with him at IFT.

Pic: GettyImages


Blockchain innovation in the cocoa supply chain

By Anthony Myers

Technology is creating consumer expectations on privacy, trust and traceability and cannot be overstated, said mobile and digital marketing guru Tom Daly. His answer? Blockchain.

Processing innovation: Robots of the future make their debut at Tokyo Pack 2018

Processing innovation: Tokyo Pack 2018

Robots of the future make their debut at Tokyo Pack 2018

By Jenny Eagle

An MiR100 portable heavy goods robot by Kantum and a flying drone called Prodroneto, which will be launched in December, made their debut at this year’s Tokyo Pack 2018.

Sam Part. Pic: Candy Mechanics



By Anthony Myers

Sam Part, the 26-year-old designer, entrepreneur and CEO of Candy Mechanics, is our guest today. Sam has successfully raised £400,000 ($520,000) to extend partnerships within the confectionery industry.

Fran Jimenez

Interpack 2014

Natra unwraps potential of ULMA confectionery machine

By Jenny Eagle

Natra and Grupo Bimbo are just some of the firms who have shown interest in the FR500 flow pack wrapper designed specifically for the bakery, confectionery and chocolate industry by ULMA Packaging.