
Mellow Snacks line Mellow Fluffs to compete with Sonoma Brands' SMASHMALLOW

Dispatches from Sweets & Snacks Expo 2017

Hammond’s moves into snacking marshmallows

By Oliver Nieburg

Hammond’s Brands has introduced snacking marshmallow brand Mellow Snacks, to tap into what it calls a novel category.

Angelique van der Rijken, product manager, GEA Aquarius lollipop equipment.

Interpack 2017

GEA sees rise in label-on-stick lollipops

By Jenny Eagle

GEA showcased its Aquarius BunchWrapper wrapping machine at Interpack which is fitted with labelers for placing labels inside a wrapping film and on a stick.

 Action on Sugar calls to extend UK sugar tax to confectionery ©iStock/karandaev

Chocolate and candy tax proposed in the UK

By Oliver Nieburg

Pressure group Action on Sugar is urging the UK government to expand a sugar tax on soft drinks to chocolate and sweet confectionery – a move seen as “punitive” and "discriminatory” by industry bodies.

Soup-to-Nuts Podcast: Confections hold steady in face of war on sugar

Soup-to-Nuts Podcast: Confections hold steady in face of the war on sugar

By Elizabeth Crawford

Despite significant headwinds generated by the escalating war on sugar and increasing consumer preferences for healthy products, the confectionery industry is holding its own with sales climbing 1.2% in the last year to reach a whopping $25 billion, according...